You see, when I was a teenager one day I had that strange thought coming to my mind that in case one wants to create a group around a certain topic, value, identification or such, one is always inevitable excluding some people, and that excluded group of people will be the seed for future disagreement, conflict and fight. So, I started to think about how it might be possible to create a group or an identification that would enable it to make an offer to all people without excluding a single one. Well, I don't want to go into the nitty-gritty of the deep thoughts behind that complex problem here - you all can meditate for yourself about that very deep and profound question of being man - but want to just say this: Yes, although it is not easy it is very much possible to do such an act of brotherly and sisterly love. I just want to show you from where I'm coming with my writing and thinking. I've said it already years ago: If the very last questions of religion, spirituality and existence are the only thing that we have to go on finding harmonic solutions to, then, well, then we’ve already done a great job, because that's what we should continuously do in any glorious future, too! Religious and spiritual questions are nothing to ever be finished and emptied - they shall never come to an end and in that sense, it is a sign of a healthy society, discussing, exchanging, seeking and answering anew the old time-approved questions of existence. You see, us discussing and arguing about the most profound spiritual questions is not a sign that we are doing it wrong but instead it is the sign that we are on the exact right track, don't you think so?!
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I. Initiation & Consecration
II. Auguration & Abjuration
III. Manifestation
IV. Cosmology of the Axis Mundi
So, the short answer to your question about what The Manifesto is about is like this. I am deeply interested in truth, freedom and subsequently naturally peace as well, realization, the Living Cosmos, perception and the Mastery of Consciousness. 10 years ago, I decided to try to raise my voice for freedom, liberation and world peace and tried to do so by what I like best and am doing best in life, namely, to try to deeply intertwine the physical and spiritual, not the religious, realms. Then after one year I almost got crazy when I made my discovery of The True Motion of Earth and its Axis. There’s a tiny little mistake in our fundamental understanding of the geometry-in-motion and I decided to have the courage to try to use it for my intention to help realize peace and freedom for mankind. Well, and that’s what I’m doing ever since: For 10 years I’ve sent and talked to like tens of thousands of media, universities, spiritual figures, movers and shakers of all kinds, scientists, politicians, embassies, alternative media and whatnot. Well, and wonder o wonder, like a miracle after many years and initial responses of how crazy and freaked out I were it dawned on them that I’m not the least bit confused and for sure, it is worthwhile to re-consider even the deepest of our assumptions about this cosmos and our current Codex of Knowledge. Probably I can say in one expression what I consider the essential focus that has been missing in our sciences and as well in our cosmological understanding and even in the comprehension of our history and the very foundation of this reality, the physical one and the non-physical one: This is a Living Cosmos and Life and Consciousness are two aspects of the same and our current scientific paradigm, and in my humble opinion also our religious paradigm as well, until now has only described a Dead Cosmos. Sure, that is a crude simplification, but maybe you get the gist of it.
So, now, what is it exactly that makes a paradigm change into a paradigm change? What is it that makes it categorically different from other, even huge and dramatic, epochal changes?
The defining momentum of a paradigm change is this: Other than with other changes it is not possible to simply add that new truth or revelation to the current body of knowledge of a certain civilization or epoch and then go on with business as usual but the momentum of a paradigm change requires and forces the people in its entirety to question and re- build the current body of knowledge, the old paradigm, which was accepted as truth and reality by the current civilization. Not just a fraction or a part of it but the whole body of so-called knowledge is shaken to its very core and is being fundamentally questioned and is required to being re-built. You see, by now it should have become obvious that you, or we if you prefer, haven't really understood the one key attribute of Life and Life Itself: Freedom! And namely the fact that freedom is not the opposite of law and order and rules, but freedom is in fact a rule or a law. The Rule! The one and only law.
Freedom is The Law of which all other rules and laws have been derived of and the problems we have in this world are simply that we, the entire mankind, have forgotten that most basic and fundamental fact and law of Life and Life Itself. All the laws we have created over tens of millennia were merely invented for making freedom possible and to let the process of life flow smoothly because one could argue that mankind and the individual people are not 100% conscious 24/7 and so these laws are helpful to enable freedom as best as possible. So far so good. But the mistake we have made as a civilization is that we forgot and lost our aim and intention and thus we failed to write and curtail our laws in such a way that it would eventually lead to fewer and fewer rules being needed and not more. For the intention was, and still is, to aim for a culture and a civilization where everybody is naturally fully conscious and aware so that the concept of freedom and liberation is fully realized and thus no, or almost no, more laws are needed because a conscious, moral and ethical and truthful way to conduct life is fully internalized and practiced.
So, in practical terms, I do not advocate for abolishing all laws now. No, not at all. What I am advocating for is to learn to write our laws in such a way that the use of these laws and the conduct of a people and a civilization under these laws will eventually lead to the need of less and less laws and one very key element toward this aim is that we learn to move back from a kind of law of dogma to the principle of the law of taboos. The concept of taboos is very much in harmony with the concept of The Law of Freedom and thus with Life and Life Itself whereas dogmas simply are not. Dogmas are lethal poison to a culture, a nation, a people and a civilization!
So, the Living Man stands before the Constitution and not the law is sacred but the will and the integer intent to create, honor and abide by the law is sacred. That means that the most important and fundamental aspect of law and of what makes a certain system and its laws work, is located completely outside of the realm of law. Only the intent, integrity and the will to understand each other and to cooperate and honor agreements is what makes any system and set of rules, meaning laws, into a beneficial and smoothly working process and thus is of primary importance.
That is the crucial point of our problem here on earth right now. The problem we are dealing with is not that it would be too complex and difficult to find the right laws and to do the right things for mankind to achieve peace and freedom for all, but the problem is that there are forces, people and entities who are simply not willing. Simply not willing to grant The Others the same basic sovereign rights to a free life, destiny and existence as they themselves are enjoying. The quality and content of the laws is important, too but only of secondary importance because when it is clear that man stands before the constitution, meaning the living man is the sovereign and not the law is sovereign and that the law is derived of the sovereignty of man and not the other way around, then it is obvious that the quality and content of laws can be easily changed and adjusted to the needs and wishes of the free sovereign people. That's what sovereignty means, right? So, let me invite all of you and greet you with Welcome to the Liberation!
We are Indigenous, Born-In, Aboriginals, From-The-Origin, or in short: Man and Woman and together we are forming the movement of becoming and freeing of Life Itself, which is standing up against all Positivistic Law!
Positivistic Law means: Everything is forbidden except for it is explicitly allowed by law. That’s the wrong way around. It’s about the geometry of law. Positivistic Law is inverted Negativistic Law. One says, all is forbidden except it is explicitly allowed, while the other one says, everything is allowed, except it is explicitly forbidden! The one works with dogmas the other one with taboos. One is toxic law, and one is healthy law. One is Law of Death, and one is Law of Life.
We’ve pulled out the trunk in our eyes and with the flame of benevolence, insight and determination have made a torch of wisdom out of it, which shall shine for the benefit and the well-being of all truly willing participants in that, our living dream.
We are Warriors! We are Knowledge-Seekers, Shamans, Magicians, Yogis and Sorcerers. We are Seers and Seeress and our intention was born and has grown out of the depth of inner stillness and integrity. Led by purity and the force itself we have been granted to see. To see that we have all been already connected and interwoven in this eternal, free, living dream that we share all the time.
One can now accept this invitation to Life Itself full of joy or can go on trying to defy for an eternity, just to find out in the end, that one will not have been living at all, not have been coming home as stardust but spacedust, meaning not at all. Meaning never ever has been truly alive, never has been a true being! Not just forgotten and eradicated from the whole cosmos. No, but thrown by Life Itself into the Never-Has-Been. Completely useless in the eyes of Life Itself.
We are the last ones of a generation of men and women who collectively have been entrusted to be the heart and the guardians of our peoples and earth. Brothers and sisters, it is the hour of dignity, the hour to be. It is the hour to observe carefully, to observe ourselves. Without shame and without fear. It is the hour of fighting. Open your heart. Prepare your feet, given to you, open your eyes and your ears, be alert and attentive. Become now our word. Now, you are not only you anymore, now you are we. Go now! Go through the countries of the others. Go and speak. Take now our face. Take now our voice. Go with our sight and vision. Make yourself to become our ears for listening to others. You won’t be only you anymore. Now you are us. Come down from the mountains and search for the color of the earth in this world. You won’t be only you anymore. Now you are us.
The essence of spiritual process
It's just this: One day you realize that you do not know anything for sure and you look around and you see that man is cheating himself. All men and women are cheating themselves. Mentally, emotionally, cognitively, spiritually and religiously, yes, even our very sense organs are deceiving and cheating us. Just think of the eyes of a new-born baby and how for the first days the baby sees everything upside down and after a short while the brain has started to automatically re-calculate and to render the picture that is projected into the mind into an inverted, like negative-positive, manner so as to correct the via the sense organ incoming picture and turn it around again to better being able to cope with the surrounding. We are all cheating ourselves and each one is cheating on his own self. Or is it our self that is cheating us? Well, that exactly is it that one must find out and the way to do this is by starting to stalk one's own self. You stalk yourself like a hunter is stalking his prey, your own self, and eventually you hunt it down and catch it. Meaning realizing your own self and thus becoming your own self; fully and completely. Now, there is nothing unconscious and non-self left within you anymore that could cheat you. And because there is no cheating energy left within you yourself, consequently, now nobody can cheat you anymore.
That’s a kind of resonance-thing. All the things, people, energies, mental and emotional interactions that are potentially influencing us need a certain energetic and frequency-wise opposite analogy and equivalent within the targeted human being otherwise there can be no resonance, aka communication and interaction and influence. So, if there is no cheating energy, or in other words no lie, within you anymore, there is nothing that is going into resonance with the lie and the cheat. And it might even be at a very low subconscious level. You can't be lied to anymore. Being confronted with lies and untruth now feels almost like a physical sensation and thus it is very simple to reject it and denounce the infection of the lie.
This is what is called the Art of Stalking. Now, what you can do in a wakeful state as the Art of Stalking one can as well do while sleeping. This is the inverted process and the complementary art and process: The Art of Dreaming. But that's another story for another day.
But then, what is eternal and how does it relate to Man? And is there such an eternal state of beingness? And would it be achievable for man? And if so, does it mean that it is an option? As death is an option, too! One you maybe can hold for an eternity without ever fully using that option. Nevertheless, an option to have, even without ever fully using it, is a more and additional degree of freedom which can be both: Good or not so good, it all depends on whether one can handle freedom or not.
But back to our question about eternal states of beingness. Would that be like an option that must be realized; maybe again and again and again. Or does it mean that it is guaranteed, an all-inclusive prepaid nothing to do on your part ticket to the land of milk and honey where crispy fried chickens with the most delicious Garam Masalas and pickles and trumpet-blowing angels and millions of truly devoted virgins are flying through the rosy sky?
I wonder; I truly wonder! And you know what I was always wondering about, too? Let's say there is a certain kind of eternal and eternity where whatever kind of eternal beings are in a State of Eternal Beingness but, think about it: What the heck are those kinds of beings doing the whole day, for an eternity?! Man, I really wonder. I mean, you must do something. I mean you would have all the time in the world, or not? So, you must do something. Anything! Definitely. What would You do?
What would you do at the beginning of The Time after Time?
Without a deeper and clearer understanding of our own past it will be impossible for us to steer a course for a future in peace, freedom, enlightenment, spiritual realization, joy, health, prosperity and harmony among us and with the cosmos at large. Without the knowledge and wisdom of our past there won't be a sovereign mankind. Neither sovereign within mankind nor a healthy sovereign relationship towards the rest of the Living Cosmos. We must make a serious decision whether we want to run in circles forever, haunted and forced by the inertia of our not-understood past and eventually wither away to spacedust or break the cycle and spell of ignorance for once and all. The choice is yours! I've already made my choice long ago and I say: We are Cosmic Gardeners – Embodiment of Life Itself. We are Homo Spiritus CosmoLogicos Vitalis Axis Mundi. And keepers and guardians of the flame of Life Itself.
If you want the garden, earth and beyond and within, to bloom, you must take care of the physical and material, mental and emotional, legal and lawful and spiritual health and well-being of the gardener, us, the human being, mankind and the blooming inside.
Now, what exactly are the essential questions of all religions and spirituality? What is birth, life and death and according to what laws are these realms interconnected? What is the true origin of mankind and of this cosmos and of creation as a whole? Is there a common destiny for mankind in its entirety and if so, what is it? What is I? What is You? And what means We? And what is Not-I? Not-You? Not-We? What is the very essence and quality of The All That Is/The Pure Essence? What is the very essence and quality of The All That Which Is Not? How is the one single part, the individual, connected and is interacting and communicating to and with The Whole? What is freedom and what is absolute freedom in case such a thing does exist? And for sure: What is Ascension? And what is a Stellar Activation Cycle?
Whether you are aware of it or not, there is a purpose in and for mankind’s existence in this cosmos. From the days of mankind’s inception, we have been on a quest for the answer to a certain question: Is existence and time cyclical or not?
We always knew that the answer is 42, which is programming Unicode for as you wish, but we have never been able to formulate the correct question of life, universe and everything else. So, the question is whether life is cyclical or not and to answer this you must differentiate between cyclical in a quantitative or in a qualitative way. In a quantitative sense it is indeed cyclical whereas in a qualitative sense it is not. That’s all the fuss about it. Oh, and it is the only way out of this current unnatural and distorted wheel of reincarnation mechanism currently here on earth.
So, now we can understand why the answer is 42, as you wish: It is your choice to perceive and live existence and life as a quantum, a thing, in a quantitative way or as a quality, a fragrance, a living song in its own full and complete authority, sovereignty and aliveness. Your answer depends on your choice, on the point of view and action you are taking; on what kind of identification you live by. Do you identify everything and thus yourself too as quanta, a thing, certain measured numbers, sizes, duration and things or do you identify everything and thus yourself too in an immeasurable, qualitative, living and all-inclusive way? I’ve decided that for myself long ago and live according to that. I’m not a thing. I am a quality. I am Life Itself! What about you? Maybe we should try out a different path? What do you think?
How about this: Going from binary perception to trinitary perception.
Binary Perception
Sees reality and everything in terms of the Known and the Unknown. There are plenty of examples of this kind of frame of perception in our history and in today’s world. Black-White, Life-Death, Good-Evil, Male-Female, Shiva-Shakti, Sacred-Profane, Ying-Yang, Tonal-Nagual, Physical-Nonphysical, Me-The Other, Known-Unknown, Catholic vs Protestant vs Orthodox vs Another Orthodox vs Sunni Islam vs Shia Islam vs Alawites vs Kurdish Alawites vs Jews vs Orthodox Jews vs Zionists vs so-called Paganism vs Idolatry vs Nihilism vs Atheism, The All That Is vs The All Which Is Not and so on and so on. See schismogenesis!
While this view and perception has of course its merits, benefits and advantages, the simple truth is that this is not the actual and factual truth about reality. It’s just a steppingstone, so to speak.
Trinitary Perception
Sees everything and reality in terms of the Known, the Unknown and the Unknowable or the Non-Perceivable. That’s the actual truth about how this living reality is organizing its Operating System of Perception and Cognition. To give you an idea about the scales and dimensions we are talking about here: The Known, approx. 1%. The Unknown, approx. 10%. The Unknowable, approx. 89%. Now, here comes the real-world-kicker: The entity that you are calling God is sitting on and trying to get a hold onto the gateway, the boundary between the Known and the Unknown. This entity is not the Unknown, not at all, but tries to install itself as gatekeeper between the Known, a mere 1% of The All That Is and the wider space and realm of the Unknown, a mere 9% more of The All That Is. So, to say it bluntly: This so-called God is operating on a basis of knowledge of All That Is which is as great as approx. 1,38048058215 %. Think about it!
Or in other words: The Merging of the Two Rings of Power
There are two rings of force. Man is made of two rings, the Two Rings of Power. It’s also called the two attentions. The first attention and the second attention. When one has mastered the first attention as well as the second attention the merging of the two rings of power, or the two attentions, is taking place now for Will and Intent have become one now. Two rings are merging and thus a third ring is born: The third attention. Translate that to riding through Life Itself on the wings of infinity and thus meeting…