So, eventually the question of death came up. What about death? Is that death the end of it all, the Great Nullifier? Let’s see, if we can find some basic, simple mechanism in that death business.
Firstly: Death to me is first of all a very personal relationship. To me My Personal Death is the closest, best and most trustworthy ally, friend and especially adviser. Incorruptible like no one else. And to be sure, I’m not talking metaphorically but actually and factually. He sits a little over my left shoulder, always there with me all the time. And for the it’s the end of it all part, well, in principle I do agree. There is no guaranteed, all-free-and-inclusive-first-class-service-ticket-to-the-After-Life for man. At least at this point in mankind’s evolutionary process and point in time. Maybe there was and maybe there will be, but not right now. There is also no infinite number of continuous reincarnations on earth. The number is in fact very limited, and the kind of reincarnation currently talked about here is a kind of an emergency program. That is not the original blueprint and template meant for and inherited by mankind. But we are, and always have been and will be, given an opportunity: One can do a certain work of and on one’s own consciousness and being to a degree that you can create a copy of the original Consciousness-Life-Spark-debt-to-the-Creator, which is the essence of death: The payback of the initial spark of the Flame of Life, although sadly most ordinary people never bothered to create a copy on their own. Nobody ever told them to! And Life Itself will accept the 100% pure and clean copy as the real, consciously. It’s not cheating or a trick or such but instead it’s an offer given and granted to each one of us by Life Itself. One must work harder for it than one ever worked for anything else in life, but it is very much possible. This offer is a gift. In deep secret yogic terms, there is a similar or analog wisdom to that: They call it Stealing from The Earth because normally one cannot take one’s individuality with oneself when going beyond. It’s a very similar concept. The first concept has its roots in secret Meso American very ancient and very secret traditions. Not the well-known kind of shamanism. Anyways, just my2cents in a 3-minute impulse-talk. And yes, what I say is very simplified and rudimentary, for sure. It’s just a, how is it called in modern slang, a Teaser.
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I. Initiation & Consecration
II. Auguration & Abjuration
III. Manifestation
IV. Cosmology of the Axis Mundi
A few more clarifications
A friend came up with this, which is obvious nonsense. Men are Mortal and Corporations have Eternal Life. Well, let me explain. In fact, corporations have no life at all, and for sure no eternal life, that is stupid nonsense. I, for one, haven’t yet seen any corporation that did not come down one day. No corporation, no empire, no kingship, no building, no entity, no god, no nothing that was ever created. So not infinite, if we say infinite equals eternal. Well, that would need a calm and quiet clarification of these terms in the first place and then, sure, would be an interesting discussion and thought to play around with. You see, it’s said, that everything that has a beginning has an end as well. So, I wonder, are there things or beings without a beginning, but being?! Or even more spaced-out: Could it be that we are beings, who very much are and who are very much alive and conscious but without a Beginning at all? An interesting thought. Especially if one applies it to everybody and everything and the Universe and Life at large. Interesting, to say the least.
And another one
Body devoid of Spirit is a cadaver. Spirit devoid of Body is a ghost. I, for one, wouldn’t fully agree with that one either. I’d agree with the first part, body devoid of spirit is a cadaver, but not with the second part. Instead, I’d say: Spirit devoid of a body is Consciousness. We are talking about the so-called physical body. There are more bodies to a human being. Now, the actual problem is that our Western, European or call it Judeo Christian Greek Roman kind of civilization and culture has not even really started to ponder those questions in earnest at all, not to mention answering and understanding them. We are a very primitive culture in our understanding of Life, Life Itself, Spirit and Consciousness. The fundamental aspect is to know that there are different types of consciousness. Mainly two categories, the so-called organic consciousness and the inorganic consciousness. The difference is not as in the analogy to our chemistry and biology by determination whether it’s carbon-based or not. That’s not the defining difference in terms of consciousness. Instead, it is about the qualities and abilities of this consciousness. Inorganic consciousness is dead consciousness, a kind of ghost in your terminology, but organic consciousness is living consciousness and that is defined by the ability to produce more consciousness out of itself in near endless quantity and quality. Yes, a true living being of organic consciousness is a so-called Perpetuum Mobile Being. And thus, such a being can give himself as many bodies as he wants. One after the other and very few Masters are even able to instantly relocate and even appear at the same moment in time at several locations. But those are specific cases, and such fancy performances are not at all the aim or intent of the striving to gain such deep and profound understanding of the process of Life Itself. You see, these things are almost impossible to talk about with modern so-called civilized man who is part of our modern culture, because we, as a collective, are so dense that we still argue, whether consciousness is a product of the material and the physical or not. Which is utterly self-indulging nonsense to do. With such people it’s almost impossible to have a serious discussion about anything, much less about the essence of Life and Life Itself and the essence of what it means to be a conscious human being. Sadly so.
Some people asked me whether I’m joking. So, again, no, I am not joking. Why I say, Death is sitting on my shoulder, is because of the energetic arrangements of the Living Man, the Being, the physical and energetic body. Let’s use the Indian Yogic lore for the description and terminology here. There are 114 so-called Chakras forming the human body, it’s living systems and the entire being and in short 108 can be worked with and upon while certain 4 can’t be explicitly worked upon but they just follow the others. And then there are the last two most secret and mystic ones, number 113 and 114, and these two are outside of the physical body. Your Personal Death is one of those two. That’s the true meaning behind my metaphorical words.
More false claims
A Mortal man who chooses Eternal Life over his own Mortality is choosing corporate personality and Death over the continuity of biological life. Please, don’t get me wrong, this is just criticism at a very high level. Obviously, you don’t get it. Man is more than just biological aka physical life. Man is more than matter. And you don’t choose Eternal Life. You choose Life, and that to the fullest and when the time comes, you go and meet Your Personal Death. For many, probably even most, it sadly will be the first time in their lives to meet that one companion which always has been their dearest and most trustworthy ally, friend and guardian. But who said that meeting Death necessarily equals to be dead afterwards? Who says such a thing? Who said that it is not possible to meet Death but not being forced to give up all life? And it’s not about being un-die-able, that’s not how it works. Death exists, in fact death is an option, and a very worthwhile as that and this option will still be existing onward. Even if you are not fully dying here on earth at your death, meaning being annihilated in all your essential template. You go on and you still have the option of death, which is a very good thing to have, to make some decisions again and again and again. Just why not live with that option but never fully draw this option? You see, freedom is incomplete without the option of death, meaning without the option of saying No, any Yes is worthless. You see, the truth here is this. Most people need the perspective of death, or some fancy heaven fantasy because they are by far not able to stick with themselves for much longer. That is the dirty little secret of the current mankind and their view on death. People don’t like and can’t stand themselves. They hate themselves too much to be able to cope with themselves, so they get tired of life and their nonsensical repetitions any longer, so they are happy and are desperately in need of the prospect of soon dying.
We could call that Spiritual Vanity or The Religious Dunning-Kruger-Effect. The ugliest, deadliest, most evil and most worthless form Man can give his life to. Religious Vanity or what my friend Theresa Talea is calling The Irony of the God-Complex is indeed the root of all evil. Once you have fully freed yourself from all cultural and religious imprints into and onto your being, your body, mind, emotion, identification, legal and lawful, cultural and in all other ways and managed to strip yourself completely down to the pure essence of Life Itself that you are, it becomes strikingly obvious how all evil ever started in this cosmos. It did not start with some entity, be it a man, a fallen angel, demon, a greedy god or some semi-sweets or even a Plasma AI that went rogue and berserk or any such thing who got the idea of going against the Big Boss and trying to cheat his way to the top and rule and control the entire cosmos, it’s beings and the entire creation. Nope, that’s not what happened. In fact, it was the exact opposite development that started the so-called Fall, and which made sure that many things went south in this creation. It was guys who came up with their religious vanity claiming they know it all and know it better than everybody else and have special contact with the big boss and that singularly they are the messengers and teachers and rulers by divine authority and more of that sort of crap. You all know the rest of these sermons. We’ve had millions of fools trying to pull that off, knowingly or even more often unwittingly and unconsciously of the schemes they have been entangled in. Because they are blinded and/or under demonic possession, working their childhood traumas, compensating their inner inferior-complexes or got tricked and indoctrinated into different cults aka religions and different spiritual traditions, secret doctrines and so on and are not willing and capable to reflect on their own indoctrination and teaching, so they are doing what we all know is the most deadly and dangerous thing. They take whatever tiny little actual spiritual experience they might have, if any at all, and blow it up and exaggerate this tiny little minuscule part of the whole and start selling it as the whole. Not only to others but even to themselves. Yes, they believe in their own spiritual superiority, although they surely do not admit to it but instead, they all try to hide it behind the false facade of pretended altruism.
I know, this sounds harsh and paradox to you, but it is the truth. We all know the saying that half-truth is far more dangerous than no truth at all. Well, that is the mechanism here and that is the reason why I deeply detest the cults around those Gandhis, Jesus’, Buddhas and such men. Not the actual men themselves; please pay close attention here. And I even don’t care about whether I do agree to their way of teaching or not but the cults, that are always established around such, no matter if real, good or bad or fake persons and characters, idols and leaders I do detest. It’s an absolute mono-dimensional approach to Life Itself and The All That Is. It’s not exactly false what they are teaching but the falsehood and cheating and deception, again knowingly or unknowingly, is in that they are presenting their tiny little piece of wisdom as the ultimate and full alpha omega picture and are insinuating that they are the official spokesperson for that force and entity and its wisdom and the magic secret and therefore in the position of the highest authority. That’s the framing here. And you can observe the same vanity infection with all the followers of such men. It’s the phenomenon of people who have a slave-mentality and think the best way to have a little power for themselves without the need to overcome their enslavement is to be close to the Massa aka the guru, messenger, the idol, hero or religious leader.
That’s where I said no! It’s you who are wrong and completely limited and ego-driven and praying to and being guided by false, evil entities. And it’s you who, via this psychotic and autistic, psychopathological behavior, has started all this fuss about evil, evil, evil, evil, where is this damn evil. In classic psychological terms, one could call it a special kind of double-bind situation. Example: Mom says she loves you so much but shows with every word and deed that you, as her child, are only a burden and a problem and not at all welcome in her life and non-verbally shows you that you are stupid and worthless and that she would be happier if you died. You, the child, probably will be broken by that kind of evil spell and your personality will be deeply hurt and damaged. That’s what all these religions have done to you and your ancestors for millennia, at least the book-religions although this game is a far older one. They have told you how much they love you and all that exaggerated lies while their other, the hidden, hand has been not only grabbing into your pockets and wallets but also grabbing your land and soil, sovereignty, jerked off on your history, your heritage, tweaked your genetics, your children and women, and as if that would not be already enough this hidden hand is also fisting you hard and is even trying to grab and devour your very soul! Did you not recognize it? And that’s also the reason why everybody in the truther, disclosure and awakening community of the self-proclaimed light warriors went completely nuts in terms of religious and spiritual talk and claims in the last 10 years! To me it looks like almost everybody recently seems to think of him- or herself as a Spiritual Master and Messenger and thinks he or she needs to give his or her fantastic mental diarrhea to the world as a necessary revelation. What an absolute, ridiculous farce.
Now, let me add this. You all know this saying: The system didn’t fail but it is doing exactly what it was designed for! Well, the same is true here. The religions, churches, the Vatican and their teachings, doctrines, laws and claims and messengers haven’t been corrupted, infiltrated and been taken over. No, they are doing exactly what they were invented for. That’s what I have been trying to tell you for 10 years now and that’s the only one thing you and I differ in our view of this Living Reality, meaning this is the only thing that separates us. But, as I’ve said many times, it’s not me who is initiating the divide and separation or should I call it El Diabolo, the Splitter but it’s you. Because it’s not me who wants you to admit inferiority to and bow down to anyone or anything but it’s you who does think you know better than me that in this reality I, as a Living Conscious Man, must bow down to the Jesus and to your god. But well, again: It’s only in your head and in your fiction and you are the one who is pushing on me and is invading and violating my sovereignty by thinking that you, or anybody else for that matter, any priest, pope or other religiously blinded whoever, has the right to give me that kind of spiritual ultimatum: If you don’t love and bow down to my god then I cannot see and treat you as equal! Well, here you will have passed the verdict yourself and on yourself and will have judged yourself and proclaimed yourself to be guilty of having committed the greatest sin and evil in the cosmos.
You see, all this deception and pretending only succeeded until someone, only one, came and said no. No Ten Commandments at the constituting, foundational level of any constitution or Treaty of state and nationhood!